We produce quicklime lumps with high calcium content and with a specification of available lime more than 91.0% having unburnt portion less than 4.00%. With the raw material from RAK, being the only one with the Italian kiln and the well-qualified team the quality has been superior to all the competition in the region. With the raw material from RAK, being the only one with the Italian kiln and the well-qualified team the quality has been superior to all the competition in the region.
Quicklime lumps are widely used in various industries such as;
– Steel industries
– Petrochemicals industries
– Sugar industries
– Paper industries
– Soil stabilization
– AAC blocks

We typically produce sizes from 0mm to 50mm which is further segregated into 3 major sizes which are 0-10, 10-20 and 20-50. The infrastructure and the way we have developed this plant helps us cater to all the industries. We can offer any size required by the customer for their process. We ever manufacture 90-micron and lower sized lime powder for the AAC industry and the Sugar industry